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Table of Contents

Add crew to flight legs

Selecting a Trip on the Crew Board is the first step to be able to schedule Crew onto it.

  1. Use the Trip Search to find a trip (screenshot 1. 1).
    Alternatively, you can access directly to the Trip from the Trip or Flight Leg record in NuvolOps with the Crew Board button.
    To schedule Crew to a Trip, an Optioned or Confirmed Trip must first be selected from the Trip Search.

  2. When a Trip has been selected, a new Aircraft icon appears (screenshot 1. 2). Clicking on it will open a pop-up with the Aircraft configuration (crew bunks, rest seats and pax seats) for the trip.
    If more than one aircraft is used on the trip for the different legs, the pop-up will show the information for all aircraft.


Full Crew List

  1. Click on the + button on the right side of a crew member on the “Full Crew List”

  2. Click “Add to Selected Crew” (screenshot 2.1).
    This will divide the screen into a top panel with selected crew and a bottom panel with available crew

  3. Repeat for all crew members you want to schedule on any legs of the trip


  • The Crew members who have incorrect AOC assignments are greyed out and a tooltip is shown when hovering over the Crew member (screenshot A).
    In case there are multiple AOCs in the selected trip, only the crew members with no valid AOC assignment for any of the legs will be prevented from being selected.

  • By clicking on the crew member name, a pop-up window will be displayed. On the right-hand side the “Staff” button redirects to the staff record in NuvolOps. (screenshot B)


Action panel

Multi-Crew Scheduling

  1. Click Action Panel to replace the available crew list with the action panel (screenshot 3. 1)

  2. Click Multi-Crew Scheduling (screenshot 3. 2)

  3. Select the roles and flight legs for your crew or select Auto-Assign roles on the top right of the action panel. The roles auto-assigned can be modified manually. (screenshot 4. 1 - 4. 2).
    It will start assigning the first role available to crew members with these rules:
    - Roles priority (from high to low): CP, then CS, then FO, then FE, then FA and then ISP.
    - Crew member priority: starts assigning roles from the top of the selected list.
    - Only 2 pilots can be assigned per leg: 1 CP and 1 CS/FO. The rest of the pilots (if selected) are left with no role assigned.
    These are some reasons why certain crew members might not be eligible for selection:
    - if a pilot is missing mandatory credentials, they can’t be assigned to a Flight Leg. The message can be displayed by hovering on the “?” (screenshot 4. 3)
    - a pilot might only be valid on some legs (AOC assignments' Start and End Dates).
    NOTE: the Auto-Assign does not take into consideration existing crew events that overlap with the Flight Leg such as Office Duty.

  4. Click Next (screenshot 4. 4)



  1. Select overrides for any crew member by clicking on the pick-list (screenshot 5 .1) and click Next.
    If more than one override is required, you can add sets of overrides.
    If no override required, you can select Skip Overrides per leg, or Skip All Overrides, to skip all (screenshot 5. 2 - 5. 3)


Extension and Split Duty

  1. Once overrides are skipped or entered, the system will try to schedule per leg one crew member at a time, and will show split duty and/or extension options where possible.

  2. With Extension/Split Duty options, the overrides are still available. If updated, it will recalculate the need for Extensions/Split Duty for the FDP of that leg (screenshot 6. 1)

  3. Click “Save” (screenshot 6. 2).

  4. The system will continue scheduling the next crew member for the same leg.



The last step is to review warnings for all crew members scheduled. This section consists of:

  1. List of all affected crew members on the top left of the panel. (screenshot 7. 1).
    They will appear in green if there are no warnings to review or in red if there is at least one warning

  2. List of all relevant Flight Legs in chronological order for each crew member (screenshot 7. 2)
    - All Legs of the Trip they were scheduled on
    - All Legs in between the current Trip’s Legs
    - All Legs in the 14 days after the last Leg of the Trip.

  3. Warning details for each Leg (screenshot 7. 3)
    The Warning Counter tab shows the total of warnings.
    Different sections are available for Duty Time, Days Off, Recency and Missing Credentials.
    For each metric, a yellow soft warning sign will appear if the limit is close to being breached.
    The warning sign will show in red if the limit is been breached.

  4. The Acclimatization field has been added to the Crew Member Warnings and Stats for the regions using it. It will show a green check mark or a red cross depending on the status of the crew member for that particular flight leg. (screenshot 8)

  5. Click on “Finish” to go back to the Action Panel

  6. When a pilot has one or several mandatory credentials expired but planned for renewal prior to the flight leg, a soft warning will be shown on the “Review Warnings” screen after scheduling. (screenshot 9. 1)
    These warnings can also be reviewed at any time from the “Stats and Warnings” panel when clicking on a Crew Member’s name.
