Tech Logs _ Lightning

Enter a tech log

  1. Find a Flight Leg that is missing a Tech Log:

    1. On desktop, navigate to Flight Legs, click the relevant flight leg and click on the Tech Log button located on the right-top of the page (screenshot 1)

  2. Enter the mandatory and relevant details (screenshot 2)

    1. If the Flight Times are different than planned, enter a Flt Time Diff Reason

    2. If the Aircraft is not fully operational, select the 'A/C has open defect' or 'Any MELs Applied' checkboxes and enter a description in the 'Crew Ops / MEL Info' field

    3. If a Split Duty rest was taken, whether it was planned or not, fill in the Split Duty fields only on the Tech Log following the split duty rest

    4. If a Split Duty rest was planned but not taken, check the 'Split Duty Not Taken' boxes only on the Tech Log following the split duty rest

  3. Click Save

  4. After creating the Tech Log, to add attachments (such as a scanned copy of the Tech Log), hover over the Upload Attachments Related list (screenshot 3.1) located on the right side of the page, click Upload Files (screenshot 3.2) follow the instructions on the screen.


Validate a tech log

  1. Find the tech log that you need to validate. Generally, this will be the earliest unvalidated tech log of the corresponding aircraft

  2. Review that all fields have the correct value according to the paper tech log

    1. To correct the values of any incorrect fields, click the Edit button at the top of the page or double click the field you would like to change

  3. Double-click on the value of the Tech Log Status field (which should be 'New') and select 'Validated by Camo' from the drop-down (screenshot 4)

  4. Click Save

  5. Keep in mind that validated Tech Logs can not be edited - make sure everything is correct before validating


Enter Exceedance Note

  1. When a Tech Log is entered and its Flight Time or Minimum Rest are outside the legal AOC parameters, the Captain will receive an e-mail asking them to enter Exceedance Notes

  2. Once you receive this e-mail, click on the text 'Thanks for entering an Exceedance Reason and Notes by clicking on this link'

  3. This will take you to NuvolOps on your browser

  4. Select an Exceedance Reason from the drop-down and enter any relevant notes

  5. From the success message, you can create a Safety Report if required

  6. Click Finish to end the Exceedance notes process