Flight Duty Period

Flight Duty Period

  1. The FDP is displayed once the crew member is assigned to the Flight Leg (screenshot 1).
    Minimum Rest, crew member role, Next Minimum Rest, Duty Roster, Split Duty are also shown.

  2. By hovering on each element, a pop-up will show general information (screenshot 2).

  3. By clicking on the FDP, another window will present even more detailed data (screenshot 3)


Re-evaluate FDP / Unschedule

  1. Navigate to the FDP on the Flight Leg.

  2. A pop-up will be opened with two options (screenshot 4)
    - Unschedule: It will proceed to unschedule this crew member for this particular leg
    - Re-evaluate FDP: It will recalculate this FDP. If a user decision is needed (split duty or extension for example), the user will be directed to the action panel.