Aircraft Roles

Create an Aircraft Role

All Aircraft Roles can be found under the Aircraft Record in the Related Tab

  1. Navigate to an aircraft, open the Related tab and find the Aircraft Roles related list (screenshot 1)

  2. Click on New Aircraft Role (screenshot 1)

  3. The Aircraft will automatically be selected. (screenshot 2. 1)

  4. Select the role the user or contact has to the aircraft. (screenshot 2. 2)

  5. If setting up an Aircraft Role for a client or third party, enter their name in the 'Contact Search' Box. (screenshot 2. 3)

  6. If the new Aircraft Role is an internal NuvolOps user, enter their name in the 'User' field. (screenshot 2. 4)

  7. Enter a description. (screenshot 2. 5)

  8. Optional: Select To, CC or BCC on the 'Recipient List' drop down

  9. Optional: Select the Document for which this new Aircraft Role should be a recipient.

  10. Click Save or Save & New


Verify the Recipients of Movement Messages for a Flight Leg

Note: These changes will only affect legs created after the roles have been created.

  1. After creating a new Trip / Flight Legs, navigate to the Flight Leg record, open the Details tab and find the Movement Message Recipients section

  2. The email addresses in this section should match the Movement Message aircraft roles for the flight leg’s aircraft